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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Green Tea Diets - 3 Keys to Warp Speed Weight Loss

Green tea diets are "popping" up all over the Internet these days. It is interesting that a natural substance that has been consumed for hundreds of years, has just now gained immense popularity as a nutritional supplement. Most individuals are consuming this special tea, in one form or another, to promote weight loss. More specifically, fat loss. These 3 keys will greatly enhance the fat burning properties of this wonderful weight loss tea.

Green tea derives it's fat burning properties from a group of anti oxidants known as catechins. Researchers have been particularly interested in studying epigallocatechin, or EGCG.

They have discovered that EGCG does indeed, provide a boost to the metabolism, that can promote a fat burning effect.

These 3 keys can boost the fat burning benefits of green tea diets.

1) Aerobic Exercise

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For More Related Topics Blog: Vitamins For Weightloss

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