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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Free Weight Loss Program - Shed Pounds of Fat

If you are looking for a free weight loss program then I am glad you are here. In this article you will learn how to create a program for yourself that will shed the pounds of quickly and easily. So the first thing you need to do is set your goals, then get started!

1-Do full body workouts

One of the best ways to lose weight extremely fast is to do full body workouts. When your goal is to burn fat you want to stick to exercises that hit the most muscles, these are called compound movements. You should lift weights and Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and should always include exercises such as the squat, bench press, and dead lift.

2-Do cardio on the days you don't lift

If you are lifting weights every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, then it is important to do cardio on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. When I say cardio I am not talking about your typical cardio either. I want you to do sprints because this has been shown to burn the most calories. Go on the treadmill and sprint for a minute then walk for a minute. Do this for twenty minutes.

3-Make sure your diet is good

If we are going to be honest, working out will not get you the results you are looking for if your diet is not as good as it should be. You need to analyze your diet and find out if you are eating the right amount of calories and whether or not you are getting enough protein, vitamins, and minerals.

For More Related Topics Blog: What Is A Good Weight Loss Diet

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