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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dieting and Weight Loss - How Your Existing Body & Health Affect Calorie Requirements

There are several key factors that determine the optimal daily caloric intake level for someone who is watching his or her weight and trying to eat healthy. The two key factors that I feel are most important are your activity level and your current body shape and the current shape you are in. This article will discuss these two key factors for those who are trying to lose weight or are trying to maintain a healthy diet.

Your activity level directly impacts everything involved in a sound diet and exercise program. Simply put, you will burn far more calories when you are active than you will if you sit and do nothing all day. Basic math dictates that if you expend more calories than you take in, you will lose weight. By exercising on a daily basis and tracking your caloric intake, you can ensure that you are burning more calories than you are taking in, resulting in weigh loss. To be honest, some activities can even help your body burn calories after you've finished exercising! That is certainly an added bonus!

Although most attention is paid to exercise as a key factor in weight loss and weight maintenance, the other critical factor that directly affects how effectively you burn calories is your body type and the current shape you are in. The less fit you are, the more fat that is stored in your body. People with more fat stored in their bodies will burn fewer calories every day, meaning they must work harder to burn more calories than they take in.

For More Related Topics Blog: Menu To Lose Weight

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